Monday, August 19, 2013

Energy Needs of The World

As we know that the development is an eternal process which has its own demands and one of which is the consumption of energy. Because of growing needs of the mankind the demand and the consumption of energy is also increasing thereby exhausting the conventional  resources of energy day by day.  
By 2030, the total energy demand both commercial and residential is expected to rise by about 25 percent. This rise is mainly contributed by the developing nations like India and China, where economy is expanding and a large number of people are migrating away from rural areas to the urban areas or relatively more developed cities. 
The question is that whether the resources on our earth are sufficient and eco friendly. Today, the energy sector accounts for almost 2/3rd of all the greenhouse gas emissions. The growing energy needs will certainly have irreversible impacts on the climate of earth if we do not start using the clean and green energy sources which are free from carbon di oxide gas.

Due to the increased consumption of electricity because of the industrial development it has become a great challenge to meet the heightened demand of electricity simultaneously maintaining the green house emissions at it's lowest level. The  electricity production is highly dependent on the use of the fossil fuels and is the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions.
Reducing the use of carbon in the production of electricity will result in around 41% reductions of emissions which is much more than the transport and industrial sectors. It lays the foundation of the importance of producing  electricity by largely using  the CO2-free energy resources like renewable energy and nuclear power

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